
Subfreezing temperatures inside cold rooms and freezers can seep through the floor, even when it is well insulated. As the soil underneath freezes, capillary action draws water into the frozen areas where the water forms a concentrated ice mass. As the ice mass grows, it can heave the floor and columns, causing damage to the structure and putting valuable inventory at risk.

The RaySol floor heating system is designed for freezer frost heave prevention, heat-loss replacement, and floor warming for concrete, tile or marble. Because it uses a Raychem self-regulating cable, a RaySol system will supply the right heat only where and when it is needed. The radiant heat provided by the RaySol heating cable allows you to feel comfortable at lower air temperatures, resulting in lower heating costs.

Heat Loss Replacement
The Raychem RaySol system for heat loss replacement makes rooms comfortable by neutralizing heat lost through the floor and insulation.

Floor Heating
The Raychem RaySol system makes your concrete, title, or marble floor warm by incorporating a heating cable that is either attached directly to the bottom of the floor or installed inside conduit that is embedded in the floor.

Freezer Frost Heave Prevention
The Raychem RaySol system prevents soil from freezing beneath cold rooms and freezers, while eliminating frost-heave damage. 

Frost Heave Prevention System – A Complete Heat Management System Approach
Applied Products TPG offers a frost heave prevention system that can prevent frost heave by applying thermal insulation around cryogenic tanks and by applying electric heat trace cables to the concrete layers underneath the tank.
We can engineer and design a complete turnkey freezer frost heave system that includes heat trace cables, a power distribution system, and a control and monitoring system to fit your unique application. Let our freezer frost heave prevention systems prevent frost heave damage in your commercial freezers, ice arenas or other cold room areas.